Read More About Lillian

During her long and productive career as an artist, Lillian mastered many techniques, media and styles from oils to pastels and watercolours, from painting to appliqué and collage, and from landscapes to still-life, interiors and iconography

Visual Contemplations

Visual Contemplations depicts the journey of the soul ‘from slavery to freedom’, expressing in a simple way the subtle concepts of the early wisdom tradition in a series of original and vivid paintings.

The images are inspired by Gregory of Nyssa’s The Life Of Moses, in which he uses the familiar story of Moses’ life as a metaphor of the spiritual journey. These paintings may be seen as representing the third stage in a process: the first being the Biblical text of the narrative, or the ‘historia’. The second, St. Gregory’s commentary on the text, or what was called ‘theoria’, a contemplation on the deeper aspects hidden in the narrative. And the third, in which the intention of the artist is to bring to life the inner meaning of the text through painting – one might say a kind of ‘pictoria’ – a visual contemplation.

Visual Contemplations, the book of these images, accompanied by texts drawn from St Gregory of Nyssa, was published in 2015. Although Lillian is neither a writer nor a theologian, her insight as an artist gives this book a unique and modern dimension to the understanding of ancient truths.

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