- By: zencomputershop_wp
- Category:
- November 10, 2020
1. Expulsion
2. Expulsion (Gladiolai)
3. Lost Paradise
4. Nsturtiums
6. Adam's Lament
7. Adam's Lament (Double Reversal)
8. Adam's Lamemt (Reversed Blue with Tree of Knowledge)
9. Adams Lament (Black)
10. Adam's Lament (Blue Reversal)
11. Adam's Lament (Reversal - 1)
12. Adam's Lament (Reversal - 2)
13. Adam's Lament (Yellow)
14. Eve's Lament
15. Adam's Lamentation
16.Remember, Therefore, From Whence Though Art Fallen
17.Remember, Therefore, From Whence Thou Art Fallen (2)
18. Expulsion (Reversed Black and Gold)
19. Expulsion (Blue)
20. Expulsion (Blue Reversed)
21. Adam and Eve (Red)
22. Adam and Eve (Red Reversed)
23. Expulsion and Redemption
24. Bitter Fruit
25. Expulsion and Redemption (Bitter Fruit Reversed)
26. Leavetaking
27. Expulsion (Amaryllis)
28. Expulsion (Reverse Amaryllis)
29. Expulsion (Blue Amaryllis)
30. Into the Darkness
31. The Darkening World
32. Remorse of Conscience
33. The Fallen World
34. The Fallen World (2)
35. Eve's Lament Panaghia
36. Redemption of Eve copy
37. Virgin Redemptrix
38. Study for Redemption of Eve
39. Snowstorm
40. Epitaphios with Expulsion
41. Expulsion (Blue - Giovanni Di Paolo)
42. When Adam Delved and Eve Span
43. The Serpent's Seduction (1)
44. The Serpent's Seduction (2)
45. An Expulsion wth Harrowing of Hell
46. Anguish at Departure
47. Christ Liberating Adam and Eve From Hades
48. Creation, Temptation, Expulsion
49. Tree of Knowledge (Ethiopian 1)
50. Tree of Knowledge (Ethiopian 2)
51. Expulsion (Ethiopian 1)
52. Expulsion (Ethiopian 2)
53. Expulsion (Ethiopian 3)
54. Scorched Earth
55. Ethiopian Pink